Ulcerative Colitis Probiotics and Diet are playing a big role in a treatment that relies on initial medical management with corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory agents, such as sulfasalazine, in conjunction with symptomatic treatment with antidiarrheal agents and rehydration. Ulcerative Colitis Diet plays a big role in managing the symptoms  and getting it under control. It is importation to find foods that fuel your body with essential nutrients but don’t aggravate your digestive tract. Ulcerative Colitis Diet will not cause or cure ulcerative colitis symptoms, it’s certainly a tool you can use to try to manage your symptoms — and working with your doctor or a nutritionist on menu planning can help. A healthy diet should meet your calorie, protein, and micronutrient needs.

Many people finding the right Ulcerative Colitis Diet plan is a process of elimination. You eliminate certain foods that seem to aggravate your symptoms and see how you feel. Since there are some foods that are known to be common triggers, a diet plan that eliminates these foods is best. One such diet is a low-fiber diet, also known as the low-residue diet. This diet is also especially helpful if you are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet

The following are foods that are recommended on the low-residue diet. Remember that some of these foods can still trigger flare-ups, so you may need to make some adjustments or speak to your doctor and dietitian about alternatives.

  • dairy: up to 2 cups of milk, cottage cheese, pudding, or yogurt per day
  • grains: refined white breads, pasta, crackers, and dry cereals that have less than 1/2 a gram of fiber per serving
  • meats and other proteins: soft and tender cooked meats, such as poultry, eggs, pork, and fish; smooth peanut and nut butter
  • fruits: fruit juices with no pulp; canned fruits and applesauce, not including pineapple; raw, ripe bananas, melon, cantaloupe, watermelon, plums, peaches, and apricots
  • vegetables: raw lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, and onion; cooked spinach, pumpkin, seedless yellow squash, carrots, eggplant, potatoes, and green and wax beans
  • fats and sauces: butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oils, smooth sauces, and dressings (not tomato); whipped cream; smooth condiments

Stay a way following foods while on a low-residue diet:

  • deli meats
  • dry fruits, berries, figs, prunes, and prune juice
  • raw vegetables not mentioned in the list above
  • spicy sauces, dressings, pickles, and relishes with chunks
  • nuts, seeds, and popcorn
  • foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cocoa, and alcohol

For those who enjoy dessert, plain cakes are fine, as are cookies, pies, and Jell-O.

Ulcerative Colitis probiotics


Ulcerative Colitis probiotics

             High Potency Medical Food.

VSL 3  and Visbiome  Ulcerative Colitis Probiotics that deliver the highest available concentration of beneficial live bacteria than any other probiotic in the world. There is many probiotic brands and while other probiotics claim their effectiveness, Visbiome Ulcerative Colitis Probiotic  get the medication through GI tract, right where it                                           needs to get in to the colon.